God’s Word
Transforms Lives.
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Unleash the potential of God’s people everywhere by bringing Scripture to those who don’t have it in the language they understand best.
Meet People Who Share Your Passion to See Scripture Change Lives
Meet People Who Discovered
Hope and Freedom
through Translated Scripture
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God's Word for
Every People Group
in Our Lifetime
Everyone deserves to have Scripture in the language they understand best. But, right now, about 125 million people do not have a single verse.
Together, we can change that!
Accelerating Bible Translation
Seed Company is helping more people groups around the world take ownership of Bible translation in their own language.
We come alongside our partners with strategies, technologies, and shared resources that increase the pace of Bible translation—and lead to God’s Word transforming lives.
Language translations in progress
People currently reached
Countries actively partnering with us
Learn more about our impact.
“Our goal is not to just get a book translated. A book is not the end result. It's transformed lives.”

Help Reach People Waiting for God’s Word
God’s Word changes everything. And everyone deserves to have God’s Word in the language they understand best. You can help make that happen.