We Bring Investors and Local Leaders Together to Translate Scripture

Seed Company exists to connect people from every nation into a global movement to transform lives through Bible translation. Through these partnerships, we’re now poised to bring God’s Word to every people group in our lifetime.
Since 1993, We've Connected Hearts to God's Word
Languages Engaged in Bible Translation
People Reached with God's Word in Their Language
Local Interns Trained to Guide Translation and Outreach
Languages Engaged
As of 2023
Europe and the Middle East
A New, Interactive Expression of God's Word in Action
Discover the long-term impact of Bible translation in Kenya and Peru, and more to come, at Gathered.Â
Preview the 2023 Annual Impact Report:
Delve into the pages of the 2023 Annual Impact Report that showcase God’s faithfulness over Seed Company’s 30 years of ministry. Your journey starts here!
See God’s People in Action Around the World
Read more stories
Year in Review: Your Annual Impact Report
See the impact of global partnership in bringing God’s Word to every people group.
Help Reach People Waiting for God’s Word
God’s Word changes everything. And everyone deserves to have God’s Word in the language they understand best. You can help make that happen.