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Word to All

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Become a catalyst for millions to experience God’s love for the very first time.

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“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work;
prayer is the greater work.”

— Oswald Chambers

A look inside

Pray with Power

Expand Your Prayers

Cover every area of Bible translation:

  • The People – Translators

  • The Work – Translation

  • The Impact – Transformation

Deepen Your Prayers

Equip and empower your prayer time with:

  • Specific prayer points for 12 key areas.

  • Scripture-based prayers to recite.

  • Stories of life transformation from around the world.

the power of

“I Love You”

Three Little Words Speak Volumes

In his love letter to us, God says, “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:2 NLT). But more than 150 million people have never experienced those three words from his Word in the language that speaks to their hearts, to the innermost part of their being. God’s love might feel distant because Scripture doesn’t exist for them in a language they can easily understand.

Share God's Love

Dive into this free prayer guide and become a catalyst for millions to experience God’s love in their heart language.

“I think as Christians, there's not any higher consideration than intersecting people with God's heart and his Word, which is powerfully his breath on a page to us.”

— Josh, Prayer Partner


Pray for Lives to Be Changed

When you pray for others to have access to God’s Word in their language, you are impacting eternity and transforming lives for generations to come.