God’s Word Changes Everything [Part 2]

God’s Word Changes Everything [Part 2]

July 24, 2020


Imagine not being able to see color.

Then, one day, a veil is lifted. Suddenly you can see blues, yellows, reds, and all the combinations in between. Connecting with indescribable beauty radically changes your experience with sight.

The same goes for access to Scripture in one’s heart language. When people groups experience God’s Word in the language they understand best, lives are transformed! They can see and connect to the grace and hope found in the Scriptures in a new, vibrant way.

Watch the second session of our Scripture series, “God’s Word Changes Everything.” Your host, Jessie Eastwood, takes you behind the scenes for a firsthand look at Bible translation and its impact inside a very special community.


Stories of Life Transformation through Scripture:

Our goal is not to just get a book translated. A book is not the end result. It’s transformed lives.

— Bernie May, Seed Company Founder

Access to Scripture matters now more than ever. Even from your home, you can make an impact in the lives of thousands by partnering in this work of Bible translation. Pray or give so others can encounter Jesus in a meaningful way.

Ready to continue your journey?

Watch God’s Word Changes Everything [Part 3]

Read More Stories

Linguistic expertise and a thorough understanding of cultural context are essential to communicating God’s Word in a clear, accurate, natural, and acceptable way.
October 15, 2020
WATCH: An inspiring video about special moments with Mom.
April 30, 2020
VIDEO: Watch the Rendille New Testament celebration!
June 5, 2020

Help Reach People Waiting for God’s Word

God’s Word changes everything. And everyone deserves to have God’s Word in the language they understand best. You can help make that happen.

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