How You Can Make Waves and Have Global Impact in Bible Translation

How You Can Make Waves and Have Global Impact in Bible Translation

July 11, 2022


For decades, we’ve connected investors and prayer partners with Bible translation projects in specific languages. But over the last few years, it’s become clear that reaching the last remaining Bibleless people groups requires the flexibility to send resources wherever and whenever they’re most needed.

And so, the Global Impact Fund was born.

Download the first-ever Global Impact Report, and see how God is using this strategic fund to build up local partners all over the world to finish the task!


 Why the Global Impact Fund?

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

Mother Teresa got it right. When she penned those words, she illustrated the reality that every intentional action can be a catalyst that maximizes future actions.

With more than 1,600 language communities still waiting for God’s Word, we need to choose our stones carefully. And we must then throw them strategically, aiming for the right transformational ripples across the Bible translation movement.

When you partner with the Global Impact Fund, you link arms with those who are on the front lines of accelerating Scripture translation. You can extend your reach beyond single projects to several simply by equipping partner organizations to lead with greater efficiency.

The Ripple Effect of Building Capacity

In the world of Bible translation, the ongoing need for consultants and exegetical reviewers of Scripture is readily acknowledged. But an equally pressing concern is how we are building capacity within the translation organizations that employ them. A successfully run translation organization requires strong leadership so that projects run smoothly in the areas of people management, efficient operations, and field programming.

Through Seed Company’s Internship Program, local field partners can be mentored in this way. They receive the tools they need to then train others and accelerate Bible translation in their respective regions. 

Hilary, for example, serves as a financial analyst alongside eight different local Nigerian field partners. She trains them in fundamental financial and computer skills. And because Nigeria alone has almost 200 languages without God’s Word, Hilary’s work has the potential to help many more, ultimately leading to greater global impact.

Hilary serves with Seed Company to help Nigerian Bible translation organizations build financial capacity.

The Momentum of Global Impact

Seed Company longs to make greater ripples on the worldwide landscape of Bible translation. The Global Impact Fund puts flesh on that vision. Built for flexibility, it allows us to move resources to the field when and where they are most urgently needed. 

The Global Impact Fund also supports efforts that affect translation work beyond single-language engagements. These efforts include initiatives like our internship program, which pairs mentors like Hilary with field partners who have the potential for even greater reach within their communities. Finally, the Global Impact Fund ensures that: 


The Global Impact Fund provides resources to translate Scripture quickly, without any sacrifice in quality. When you invest in this fund, you invest in those still waiting—those who long to know God does speak their language, and they matter to him.

Celebrate with us his faithfulness and the momentum he continues to build around the world in our first-ever Global Impact Report!   


Read More Stories

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[VIDEO] Discover how sign language Bible translation is being accelerated through green screen technology.
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VIDEO: An inspiring message and devotional from our CEO.
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Help Reach People Waiting for God’s Word

God’s Word changes everything. And everyone deserves to have God’s Word in the language they understand best. You can help make that happen.

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