God’s Gift of Suffering Leading to Abundance: A 3-Minute Guided Prayer

God’s Gift of Suffering Leading to Abundance: A 3-Minute Guided Prayer

November 14, 2022


Right now, make a few minutes of space in your busy day to breathe, refocus, and meditate on Scripture. We recommend watching this video on full screen, silencing your cell phone, and putting on headphones for the best experience.

Feel free to read along as you listen to the audio:

Let this verse sink in as you contemplate God’s faithfulness.

“We went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance.”

When God opened up the Red Sea to deliver the Israelites from their enemy, God saved his people.

The people of God eventually entered into the Promised Land. Despite all the difficulties and setbacks, God proved himself faithful.

Think about that.

No matter how difficult your circumstances may be, God is with us to the end. 

And not only that—he redeems our hardships to reveal his glory.

Father, thank you for your faithfulness.

Thank you for continuing to deliver me through fire and water.

Your Word has always been there for me.

Comfort my brothers and sisters around the world who don’t have your Word in their language.

Just as you parted the Red Sea and made a way where there was no way, open new opportunities for your Word to be translated in the hardest and darkest regions of our world.

And help me to remember how blessed I am to have the complete Bible. Your Word. Your full counsel to guide me. 

Help me to honor this gift by living in a way that brings you glory.


Take comfort in knowing that, wherever you are, God is with you.

He is faithful to bring you to a place of abundance.

And he will be there with you to the end.

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