Bible Translation Doesn’t Stop

Bible Translation Doesn’t Stop

March 29, 2020


In the new reality COVID-19 has created, it might seem that everything is on hold. But now, more than ever, people need the living hope found in Scripture. 

Our mission is for every people group around the world to have Scripture in their language in this generation. More than 2,000 languages in the world are without a single verse. Where will they turn for comfort? They need to hear the words that give us hope, the words that assure us of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

Trials force us to look to God alone for his direction and plan. The greater the challenge—when confronted creatively and yielded to a faithful God—the greater the opportunity for solving it in a way that brings him glory.

Bible Translation Teams Go Virtual

In spite of the global pandemic, our Bible translation teams are still working. However, it hasn’t been easy. Many have experienced delays and disruptions: workshops have been postponed, travel halted, and consultants prevented from attending translation checks in person.

But because of our focus on innovation and technology, all our translation projects already have a web presence. This allows them to work remotely and connect with needed consultants through digital platforms. The work continues because the hope of the Scripture is needed now more than ever.

If this had happened seven years ago, we would have seen Bible translation projects completely cut off; instead, they continue to move forward. Consultant training and translation continue. Technology placed into existence years ago has proven effective in allowing us to partner with nationals in new and better ways.

As Partners Continue the Work, We Redouble Our Commitment to Them

We, like so many others, have responded by protecting our teams. Travel bans and social distancing are being used to curb the spread of the virus. In all these changes, our steadfast support speaks loudly of our confidence not only in local partners but also in our God to complete the good work he started (Philippians 1:6).

When you look at our translators (some of whom are not yet believers) and at those communities still waiting for Scripture, it’s easy to see how this new trial might be the vessel God uses to draw others to himself.

For example, Uche Aaron on the Ekajuk project reports:

I am staying in the house of one of the translators, and I am overwhelmed by what the Lord has done in his life in particular, and in the Ekajuk project in general. This young man gave his life to Christ through the translation during one of my visits, and now he is training to become a translation consultant one day. He is leading his family to come to the Lord, following in his footsteps. I am also seeing changes in the lives of some of the team members.

So, with or without coronavirus … God is at work through the translation of his Word into the languages of the people, so we should not stop.

An Invitation to Pray

Most of us have more time on our hands today than before. What an amazing opportunity to go before God in prayer on behalf of those without his Word. You may be isolated in your home, even now, but you can have a worldwide reach. You can touch the lives of the Bibleless around the globe.

Pray Now

  • Please pray for our national partners and translation teams as they struggle with the same unknowns that we’re facing.
  • Pray for those who are currently ill or caring for ailing family members.
  • Restrictions on team travel will likely challenge project progress, but they will not stop us from providing the life-giving Word of God.

So many people still don’t have the full counsel of God in their heart language. Let’s be strategic in getting God’s Word into the hands of others so that they, too, have real hope. We are confident, like Joseph in the Old Testament, that God will turn our circumstances for good (Genesis 50:20). That’s the God we love and serve. Let us not lose hope!

When you link arms in prayer with the Bibleless, you’ll receive our FREE prayer guide. We hope you will use it to become a catalyst for millions to experience God’s love for the very first time. You’ll also receive real-time prayer alerts from around the globe a few times a month.

Empower your prayer time with:

  • Specific prayer points for 12 key areas.
  • Scripture-based prayers to recite.
  • Stories of life transformation from around the world.

Download Prayer Guide

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Help Reach People Waiting for God’s Word

God’s Word changes everything. And everyone deserves to have God’s Word in the language they understand best. You can help make that happen.

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