Connecting in Crisis: Thank You for Your Support in 2020

Connecting in Crisis: Thank You for Your Support in 2020

April 9, 2021


Investors and Seed Company Staff Find New Ways to Meet

The pandemic may have shut us in, but it hasn’t kept us apart.

At Seed Company we are grateful for investors who still want to connect with us—and with each other—over our shared vision and passion: the translation of God’s Word in every language, in every corner of the world still waiting. Phone calls, emails, and social media have all been vital links during this trying season, but Zoom technology has allowed us to go even further.

A Call to Faith

For example, on April 9, we hosted our first virtual gathering—A Call to Faith. 

This livestream event connected participants to the mission and heart of Bible translation with a 60-minute, behind-the-scenes look at how God has been moving, innovating, and accelerating the work through field teams, kingdom partners, and communities engaging with Scripture.

Participants heard from local translators, connected with stories of life transformation, and increased their kingdom impact through strategic partnerships. A recording of the event provided them with an easy avenue for advocacy, a way to share what they learned with friends and family.

In all, about 350 people joined this exciting celebration, and their positive feedback inspired us to produce a three-part online summer speaker series event, God’s Word Changes Everything. More than 500 people registered for this deeper dive into Bible translation, and after each video aired, participants were invited to rewatch and share the event. Again, this allowed for a broader audience, another opportunity to communicate the great need for accessible heart language Scripture.

Seed Company exists because our investors are committed to meeting the need for God’s Word. Their involvement is a testament to the personal impact of Scripture in their lives, as well as a deep desire for that life transformation to be available for all. We are eternally grateful for their partnership.

Celebrate Heart Language Scripture

In a season of uncertainty, God’s Word is constant. Your faithful support and prayers enable communities to receive Scripture in their heart language. To see more of what God is doing through Bible translation, download our 2020 Annual Report.

Read More Stories

VIDEO: An inspiring message and devotional from our CEO.
August 25, 2020
The arrival of the complete Bible in East Slovak Romani transforms lives.
April 1, 2024
Partnership and big dreams accelerate Bible translation.
September 6, 2022

Help Reach People Waiting for God’s Word

God’s Word changes everything. And everyone deserves to have God’s Word in the language they understand best. You can help make that happen.

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