Celebrating Moms Around the Globe

Celebrating Moms Around the Globe

May 7, 2021


Let’s remember the women who have nurtured us through God’s message of love.

Let’s also rejoice with moms around the globe who are growing in the joy and truth of heart language Scripture—some for the very first time.

As we read through these stories together, let’s pray for these mothers and the mother figures in our lives who show us the face of Jesus every day.

In Guatemala:

Griselda Learns to Read the Bible

Griselda longed to study a Bible of her own. But she couldn’t afford to buy a Bible, much less understand it.

That all changed when she heard about the translation of God’s Word in her heart language of Jakalteco! After meeting a few members of the translation team, Griselda was invited to learn Jakalteco so she could read the Bible.

Praise God! Griselda finally received Scripture of her own.

Even during a pandemic quarantine, Griselda worked diligently to understand her written language. While learning how to read has been challenging, she remains happy and motivated because she knows that the closer she draws to God, the more she can teach his truths to her children.

“It doesn’t matter that I can only read a little of the Word in my own language but that I understand it, so that I can share it with my children,” she says.

Pray: God, thank you for Griselda’s diligence and perseverance as she steadfastly works to read your Word. Give strength to all the mothers around the world who are learning to read your message of love so they can share it with others.

In Kenya:

Lagoyaa Preaches the Word

Lagoyaa avoided preachers who came to town. As a widowed mother of six, she was just too busy tending to her children, her animals, and countless chores. But when she found out that some women in her village were learning to read her heart language of Rendille, she joined them. Soon, she began reading Rendille Scripture as well.

And she couldn’t keep God’s stories to herself.

Lagoyaa doesn’t avoid preachers anymore. Now, she is the one who goes out to preach the Word of God! Today, she reads Bible stories to her children and raises them to know the truth of Jesus.

Pray: Lord, thank you for entering Lagoyaa’s life. And thank you for giving her boldness to preach! Continue using her—and mother figures like her—to spread your message throughout their communities.

In Your Neighborhood:

Moms Are Sharing God’s Light

Do you remember meeting God for the very first time? If you remember that introduction, it likely came through—or was fostered by—a mother figure in your life. It didn’t matter if she was your mother or grandmother, an aunt or sister, a teacher or mentor. That special woman poured God’s Word into your life where it could then grow into the faith you now hold dear.

Remember to thank those mothers and mother figures in your life who not only believed in God’s Word, but used it to grow in wisdom, grace, and faith. They led by example; now you are blessed to do the same.

Pray: God, thank you for the mothers in my life who fill their spaces with the wisdom, hope, and grace they’ve gleaned from your Word. Help me share with others what they shared with me, and give me boldness to lead by their example. Amen.

Learn how you can give a mom the gift of God’s Word.

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