Why Does Seed Company Exist?

Why Does Seed Company Exist?

December 2, 2019


Our hearts beat with a passion for every people group to have God’s Word.

There are nearly 2,000 people groups, representing hundreds of millions of people, that do not have a single verse of Scripture in their heart language. Seed Company exists to come alongside these people groups to help resource the Bible translation process.

Wycliffe Bible Translators, founded in 1942, paved the way to the modern Bible translation movement.

“There is no greater evangelist than the Scriptures.”

— William “Uncle Cam” Townsend, Wycliffe Bible Translators Founder.


In the latter part of the 20th century, translation organizations began to place emphasis on national translators and national leadership. During that same time, Great Commission organizations realized it would take 150 years to reach every people group without Scripture at the current pace of Bible translation.

In 1991, Wycliffe’s leadership built a model to accelerate the pace of Bible translation and involve more national partners. Seed Company was launched; work began in 1993 with pilot projects in 10 languages.

Seed Company fosters kingdom partnerships between those passionate about God’s Word and those longing for the Scripture, accelerating the translation of his Word for all people.

Today, working with over 1,400 global partners, we serve the local church by providing training, consulting, funding, and project management that leads to a meaningful, accurate translation in the heart language. Thousands of prayer partners provide a solid foundation for the work.

With nearly 2,000 language groups without a single verse of Scripture, we invite you to join us on our mission of God’s Word transforming lives in every language in this generation.

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Help Reach People Waiting for God’s Word

God’s Word changes everything. And everyone deserves to have God’s Word in the language they understand best. You can help make that happen.

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