New Translation Consultant Residency Program: “Keeping Up with the Holy Spirit”

New Translation Consultant Residency Program: “Keeping Up with the Holy Spirit”

February 17, 2023


New residents join the front lines of

Bible translation

Creating a Fresh Pathway

A widespread need for translation consultants echoes around the world, delaying Scripture completion in hundreds of languages. Consultants support Bible translation by ensuring the translation keeps its integrity in the context of various cultures. Without their guidance, the gospel’s message could be compromised. 

Watch this video from our partner Wycliffe to learn more about what translation consultants do:

Seed Company has responded to this global challenge with a new opportunity for individuals eager to answer the call. Under the recently developed Translation Consultant Residency Program, men and women are equipped to become certified translation consultants with an opportunity to work with Seed Company full time.

“We are providing a new and additional way of getting into the work of Bible translation in order to keep up with brothers and sisters across the world who are saying, ‘We want the Bible in our language.’ I have to attribute this first to the Holy Spirit and an effort to keep up with the Holy Spirit.” — Brian Kelly, Residency Program Director

A Fast Track to Becoming a Consultant

In the past, pathways to being a Bible translation consultant were often limited, time-consuming, and costly. Seed Company’s residency program fast tracks individuals who are ready to commit their life’s work to Bible translation. Residents benefit from learning in cohorts and receiving compensation, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in training. 

This program is drawing attention from men and women of various backgrounds who are eager to serve on the front lines of Scripture translation. God is quickening the steps of those desiring to accomplish the mission, and Seed Company is excited to offer training to those who are ready to serve. 

The Adventure Begins 

On January 9, 2023, the first residents embarked on an impactful journey, preparing them for the fulfillment of God’s work in each of their lives. 

During the course of a few years, residents will:

  • learn from experts in the field, 
  • study diverse biblical perspectives, 
  • taste different kinds of food from around the world, 
  • connect with others and share expertise through cohort groups,
  • and explore new paths to advance translation. 

Residents are going to ask questions about the Bible that they have never thought to ask before—not just questions for themselves, but a whole [language] community.” – Mary Roberts, Residency Cohort Manager 

Each resident will gain a deeper understanding of how different cultures engage with Scripture, refining their skills in bringing the gospel to different regions. In cohorts, they’ll get the combined benefits of insightful conversations with peers and sound counsel from mentors. Participants will complete the program with fresh eyes and leave equipped to pioneer the work of Bible translation. 

Getting Involved in Bible Translation at a Deeper Level

Embarking on a career in Bible translation is a noble choice. The need is great, and the impact is everlasting. Commitment to this kind of work is driven by the understanding of the gospel’s impact in the life of the laborer and the privilege to offer this precious gift to those still waiting to hear. 

Current resident “Sara” (a pseudonym) says her experience worshiping in someone else’s language helped her realize how meaningful it is to “pray and evangelize in [one’s own] heart language.” She reflects, “It tugs at my heartstrings to think of all the people who don’t have [access to] God’s Word.” Becoming a translation consultant will allow her to play an active part in bringing Scripture to those still waiting. 

While each resident enters the program with a unique personal story, Sara acknowledges that they all “have common interests and passions” driven by the same mission. As they prepare for the great task ahead, they have the opportunity to form long-lasting bonds with the sweetness that only comes from unity in Christ.  

Seed Company is encouraged by the response from candidates who are ready to take steps towards a career in translation. As the first residents begin, the program anticipates that the next intakes will begin during the summer of 2023. 

Steps You Can Take to Support This Groundbreaking Program

Here are just a few ways you can help champion the residency program:

  • Pray for the first residency program group to be equipped with everything they need for what God has called them to do. Ask for deep bonds of support to form in each cohort, and pray that mentors who have gone before them in Bible translation will skillfully impart their wisdom.
  • Consider financially supporting this Bible translation program and others like it—so that we can share God’s Word faster than ever before. Click here to make a contribution. 
  • Share this information with someone you know who would love to serve on the front lines of Bible translation, or explore the possibility yourself!

Learn more about the program or contact the team to hear about 2024 application openings.

Read More Stories

VIDEO: Through the ministry of Bible translation, the Word of God brings light into a community.
October 1, 2020
Pray for translators as they creatively navigate the challenges of COVID-19.
March 29, 2020
God knows each person, and he speaks every language.
February 16, 2018

Help Reach People Waiting for God’s Word

God’s Word changes everything. And everyone deserves to have God’s Word in the language they understand best. You can help make that happen.

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