Teacher Uses Heart Language Scripture to Help Students Dream

Teacher Uses Heart Language Scripture to Help Students Dream

July 28, 2020


Sarah Kiambi teaches six- and seven-year-olds in grade 2 at Nkunyini Primary School in Marimanti, Kenya. Teaching wasn’t her first choice; she grew up with dreams of becoming a policewoman. But the Lord had different plans.

“I realized the young ladies in our community were being misused at an early age. I prayed and asked God to help me serve as a role model,” Sarah said. “I wanted to teach these young ladies how to wait until they were mature before starting a family.”

“Mrs. Kiambi,” as her students call her, was very familiar with what they were going through because it happened to her. She says she came from a simple background, and people stomped on her dreams by repeatedly saying, “You can’t make it.’”

Sarah takes at least five minutes every day to speak into the lives of her students. “I tell them, ‘Work hard, stay determined, and pray.’” She says confidently, “I persisted in prayer, and God did it for me!”

As each new school year begins, Sarah asks each student what they want to become.

“They tell me, and then I call them that. I say, ‘Dr. So-and-so, come here.’ They begin to see themselves as who they want to become.” Many of Sarah’s students have become pastors, nurses, program managers, police officers, pilots, and engineers.

Heart Language Scripture Means No Need for Translation

Sarah attributes much of her students’ successes to having God’s Word in their heart language—something she didn’t have as a child. “I encourage my students to use their mother tongue because they understand it best.” God’s Word in Tharaka serves as the text her students read most in class.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. — 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV)

“Each morning, the students have a text from the Bible to read. We give them [a certain passage] to read to one another. After they’ve completed their assignment, the teacher on duty comes to emphasize what the text was about.”

Teacher and students walking along red dirt in Kenya
Sarah invests in the lives of her students 

The children talk about what they’ve read with one another. Sometimes the teacher helps them. They also take opportunities to learn life lessons with Scripture.

“For example,” Sarah says, “When a child steals or beats the other one, the teacher may say, ‘Did you hear about love? We were told the way we need to love one another [in the Bible]. So stop doing this, because this is not love.’ We teach them like that.”

Because they have Scriptures in Tharaka, Sarah says, “There is no need for translation. The Bible is clear to them.”

The Tharaka people now have the complete Bible in their heart language following the Old Testament dedication ceremony held June 13, 2019.

Help the Kids in Your Life Know What God Has to Say through Scripture

Growing up in God’s Word is vital to success at every age and stage in life. One of the greatest gifts you can give a child is a love for Scripture.

Like Sarah does with her students, you can choose one verse each day and talk to them about its practical applications for their lives:

  • Ask them how God’s words in that verse can make life better.
  • Encourage them to think about the verse and how it might help them during their day.
  • At the end of the day, talk with them about how they used the verse that day.

Here’s one to get you started. Share Jeremiah 29:11, which says:

“I know the plans I have for you,” announces the Lord. “I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.” (NIRV)


  1. What do you think that verse means today?
  2. How do those words make you feel?
  3. Why did God even put that in the Bible?

Want to dive deeper into God’s Word with the kids in your life? Visit our kids’ resource page. 

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