In Honor of Mom: A Gift of Legacy

In Honor of Mom: A Gift of Legacy

April 30, 2020


An inspiring video about special moments with Mom

Mothers of every kind—physical or spiritual—influenced you, believed in you, prayed for you, and taught you about God and Scripture.

We hope this video inspires you to recall special moments with all the mothers in your life.

When you reminisce, what memories flood your mind and bring a smile to your face? Do you remember her on her knees in prayer, a time when she shared a Bible story with you, or how she encouraged you with words of wisdom?

You can celebrate her legacy in a very different and special way.

The Bible shapes our lives and gives us tools to raise our families. Sadly, not everyone has that opportunity. More than 2,000 language groups are without a single verse of Scripture in a language they understand.

Give a Gift That Makes an Eternal Difference

Honor your mother’s legacy by giving hope to others through Scripture in their heart language. You can help mothers lead their children through the foundations of Scripture.

In honor of Mom…

Give a Gift of Legacy

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Help Reach People Waiting for God’s Word

God’s Word changes everything. And everyone deserves to have God’s Word in the language they understand best. You can help make that happen.

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